The Power of Proteomics

01. Discover

Every lifestyle change, big and small is reflected in the proteins in our blood.

Rebuilding from the root

02. Adapt

Gut health, hormone cycles, immune system functioning as well as stress and anxiety levels are all reflected in your protein levels and impact your performance.

Monitor your Progress

03. Grow

Keep track of the biomarkers that unlock your best performance. With iuno’s interpretation engine for your individual proteomic make up, you’ll be able to get to new heights in your performance.
  • Discover

    Each of the 50,000+ proteins in our body affects us differently.
    With our blood test, you’ll be able to eliminate the guesswork and discover your proteomic makeup that correlates directly to changes in weight, activity levels, sleep, muscle growth and recovery. 

    We’re here to help you discover what works for your body and give you the perfect roadmap to reworking your routine for the best performance of your life.

  • Adapt

    Gut health, hormone cycles, immune system functioning as well as stress and anxiety levels are all reflected in your protein levels and impact your performance.

    Knowing how your body’s biology is being affected by external changes is the only way to accurately know what is working for you. Is that new nutrition plan working for you? How is your sleep routine impacting your training? What steps can you take to strengthen your immune system before that key performance? 

    Our full report will let you get ahead by making sure you have the strongest foundation inside so you can succeed on the outside.

  • Grow

    Keep track of the biomarkers that unlock your best performance. With iuno’s interpretation engine for your individual proteomic make up, you’ll be able to get to new heights in your performance.

At iuno we are striving to empower you to take control of your training, so you can achieve incredible things.

What is Proteomics?

Pro·te·om·ics was coined in 1996 to refer to the “PROTein complement of a genOME.” The genome is the entire set of DNA instructions found in a cell, which, in humans, is made of 23 pairs of chromosomes. Consider your genome the repository for all the information you need to develop, function, and survive. But all that information it’s not enough to tell you all the specific nuances about how and why your body does — and doesn’t do — certain things. That information is actually in the “proteome”, which is the overall protein content of a sample.

We can tell a lot from how our body makes and regulates our protein concentrations.

From monitoring hormones to keeping our digestion in check - they give us a clear picture of how our bodies are functioning. With proteomics, we are able to check in with all of these systems and see how well our bodies are doing. With just a quick sample test we are able to get a read on your internal makeup and take a deeper look at how it may be affecting your external life.

Is it new?


This technology has been around for years and has been used to monitor a range of biomarkers. A common proteomic test is for insulin in diabetic patients - by studying their protein levels doctors are able to quickly and accurately monitor their patients and rapidly deliver treatments.

Our goal is to help put this power into your hands by giving you a full map of how your body is reacting to your routine on a biological level. By checking in on these systems you can get a better understanding of how to optimize your performance and recovery get your sleeping patterns under control, and even manage stress.

The next era of quantified self movement

Since the beginning of quantified self movement, we are gradually taking steps to deeper and better understanding of our nature. From military innovation to the medical domain patient monitoring, from breakthrough technology, only available to NASA astronauts to Apple watch and FitBit, now with proteomics we’re able to go a level deeper to unlock better individualized insights. Are you ready to take your performance to new heights?

We are here to make that possible through comprehensive data reports that allow you to do a full check in on how your body is responding to external changes.