Gobble Up Glow: Unveiling the Skin Benefits of Thanksgiving Feast Proteins

Gobble Up Glow: Unveiling the Skin Benefits of Thanksgiving Feast Proteins

Date: 11/20/2023
Time: 4:00 pm PST
Duration: Approximately 30 mins

About This Webinar
  1. Welcome and Overview
    The Connection Between Diet and Skin Health
    Understanding Proteins in Skincare

  2. Basics of Protein and Its Role in Skin Health
    Different Types of Dietary Proteins and Their Skin Benefits
    The Thanksgiving Table: A Protein Powerhouse

  3. Overview of Common Thanksgiving Dishes Rich in Proteins
    Nutritional Breakdown of Popular Thanksgiving Proteins
    Specific Proteins and Skin Benefits

  4. Tryptophan: More Than Just a Sleep Aid
    Collagen-Boosting Effects of Turkey and Other MeatsPlant-Based Proteins: Options for Vegan and Vegetarian Guests
    Digestion and Absorption: Maximizing Skin Benefits

  5. How the Body Processes Proteins from Food
    Tips for Enhancing Protein Absorption for Skin Health
    Common Myths and Facts About Diet and Skin

  6. Debunking Thanksgiving Food Myths Related to Skin
    Scientific Insights into Diet-Skin Connection
    Join us for this enlightening webinar 

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free


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